
Our approach to delivering investment performance is comprehensive:

  • Access to powerful projects, and the ability to pick those projects with strong potential.
  • Attraction of co-investors – foreign, institutional, angel investors and high net worth individuals – through existing business networks, both here and overseas.

  • Negotiation of advantageous investment positions.

  • Comprehensive risk mitigation and project optimization.

  • Critical involvement in management of the investment throughout the life of the project.

Our Projects

Traditionally the greatest opportunities to earn capital growth have been at the very early stage of commercialising ideas. This is why we focus on identifying good ideas and talented people and investing in these projects at the very earliest stage possible.

TDVC looks for projects that have the potential for significant, early returns, preferably with global scope.

Delivering Investor Value

We have a highly-developed business and VC network, both here and overseas. These networks frequently present us with diverse project opportunities.We have a demonstrated track record and capability to identify projects with strong growth potential. We also know when these projects require guidance to achieve their maximum potential.We have an existing pipeline of projects in the software, digital media, healthcare, construction materials and sports equipment fields.

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